Uncle Gabe is an old man who loves to tell stories, and there is one story in paticular that he wants to share with everyone. And that is the story that we can find in the Bible.
In this episode Uncle Gabe starts right at the beginning – the book of Genesis. He tells about the creation, Adam and Eve and where sin entered the world, Noah and the big flood, as well as the birth of a new nation, Israel. The story ends whit Joseph and his family living in Egypt.
Stories in Genesis
The Creation of the World – Genesis 1:1-31
Adam and Eve – Genesis 2:4 – 3:24
Cain and Abel – Genesis 4:1-26
Noah and the Flood – Genesis 6:1 – 9:29
The Tower of Babel – Genesis 11:1-9
The call of Abram – Genesis 12:1 – 14:24
God’s Covenant with Abram – Genesis 15:1-21
Sodom and Gomorrah – Genesis 18:22 – 19:38
The Sacrifice of Isaac – Genesis 22:1-24
Esau Sells His Birthright – Genesis 25:29-34
Isaac Blesses Jacob – Genesis 27:1-46
Jacob’s Dream – Genesis 28:10-22
Jacob Wrestles with God – Genesis 32:22-32
God Blesses and Renames Jacob – Genesis 35:1-15
The story of Joseph – Genesis 37:1 – Genesis 50:26
Up Next in Old Testament
In this episode Uncle Gabe tells the story of Exodus. From the birth of Moses, how God set His people free from slavery, and all the miraculous things God did, like splitting the Red Sea.
Stories in Exodus
Pharaoh Oppresses Israel – Exodus 1:8-22
The Birth of Moses – Exodus 2:1-10
Moses Flees t... -
Uncle Gabe continues the story of the Israelites that are now in the desert under the leadership of Moses. God gives them laws to live by, so that the Israelites can stand out from all the other nations.
Stories in Leviticus
Laws for Burnt Offerings – Leviticus 1:1-17
Laws for Grain Offerings ... -
Uncle Gabe continues the story of the Israelites that are still in the desert on their way to the promise land. Due to their unbelief, God let them stay in the desert for 40 years.
Stories in Numbers
A Census of Israel's Warriors - Numbers 1:1-46
The Sons of Aaron - Numbers 3:1-4
Duties of the...