Ask Tweeny

Ask Tweeny

2 Seasons

Ask Tweeny is a show that gives kids the opportunity to ask Tweeny the Robot questions that they might have. Tweeny will then find answers to these questions with the help of the Shining Stars artists.

Parents, if your kids have questions that they want answered by Tweeny, send us the following via WeTransfer to [email protected].

1) Make a video recording of them asking the question.
2) Email or WeTransfer the video to [email protected]. Make subject line "Ask Tweeny Video".
3) Include the kid's name, age, city/town and country in the email.
4) Video must begin with "Hi Tweeny, I am (name and surname) from (city and country) and I am (age) year old...", and then they can ask their question.
5) Questions must be in English.

Looking forward to all the questions.

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Ask Tweeny
  • Why Are There Rich People And Poor People?

    Episode 1

    In the first episode, Tween received a question from La-Voné Jansen van Rensburg. She wants to know why are there rich people and poor people. Tweeny asks Shining Star artist Sharise for help.

    If you want to send in a question for Tweeny to answer, then simply send your video to shows@tweenxstre...